Monday, March 30, 2009

Answered Prayer

Back in January I posted about our desire for a more permanent place to live, with an area for a garden and animals, well God blessed with this and more. We have almost twice as much space in the house, along with lots of built in cabinets and a fireplace. The house is in much better shape,too.
We have space for our garden and a couple of animals if we choose.
We were able to move in almost immediately, and had help from some friends to get us moved quickly, which allowed us to be settled in before Captain Hook's busy end of senior year, I will post more later.
Oh, and I forgot to mention the place is cheaper, and our old landlord allowed for our deposit to stand for our final rent payment. Thank you Lord for our miracle.
Captain Hook put pictures up on facebook, but I can't seem to get them at this time.

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