Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rubber band wars & Bean bags

I now remember why I don’t keep rubber bands in the house… I came out of the bedroom to find all four of the boys running around the house jumping behind doors or furniture in order to either escape being shot or to get the perfect shot. Then in comes daddy and the war picks back up – It was so fun to watch dad and sons playing together. As the boys get older, we sometimes forget to just let loose and play; and sometimes finding things that a two year old and seventeen year old both enjoy is difficult. I will be finding rubber bands for months and with each one I will be glad for the memory.

As some of the parts of another Christmas gift we are making got high jacked as bean bags by the 2 ½ yr old to throw around the house we opted to make several smaller ones which now are being used to practice juggling. I again would have never thought that teen boys would enjoy bean bags over some of the more techie toys they have. I am all for free fun.

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